Sunday, December 19, 2010

Journey towards north

मेरो उत्तर तिरको यात्रा अब फेरी शुरू हुने भयो.. The second phase of Journey starts with new destination and new cause...
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Friday, November 12, 2010

रेडक्रसमा जुनियर युवाको भुमिका र बालकोट युवा सर्कल एक चिनारी

                  विश्वमा जुनियर र युवा रेडक्रसले मान्यता पाउन शुरुवाती बेलाहरुमा निकै कसरत गर्नु प¥यो । विद्यार्थीहरुले आफु पनि मानवीय सेवा गर्न सक्षम छौं भन्ने प्रमाण नदिउन्जेल विश्व समुदायले उनीहरुको रेडक्रसमा आवद्यता स्वीकार नगरेका थुप्रै उदाहरणहरु पाइयो । सन् १८७०मा फ्रङ्को र पर्सिया बिचको युद्धमा नेदरल्याण्डका विद्यार्थीहरुले गरेको सेवा पनि अपुर्ण भएको कुरा जब १८९०मा जुनियर रेडक्रसलाई अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मान्यता दिलाउने प्रयास विफल भएपछि पुष्टि भएको छ । तर जब अमेरिकाको क्यालिफोर्निया राज्यको सान फ्रान्सिस्कोमा १९०६मा गएको महाविनाशकारी ७.६ रिक्टर स्केलको भुकम्पका बेलामा पनि त्याहाँका विद्यार्थीहरुले सैनिक सरह लागेर जुन सेवा प्रदान गरे र तत्पश्चात् पनि प्रथम विश्व युद्धताका १९१४–१९१८मा क्यानाडा, अष्ट्रेलिया, इटली, अमेरिकामा भएका युवा गतिविधिहरुले भने रेडक्रसमा जुनियर र युवाको जोसलाई नकार्न नसकि विश्व समुदायले साँच्चै युवा र विद्यार्थीहरु रेडक्रसका दरिला पक्षको रुपमा स्थापित हुन सक्ने कुरा हृदयगम गर्दै तत्कालीन लिग (हाल फेडरेसन)ले जुनियर रेडक्रसलाई १९२२मा मान्यता दिएको थियो र लगत्तै १९२३मा महासंघमा युथ व्युरोको स्थापना भयो । सन् १९३५सम्मा ५१ मुलुकहरुमा १करोड ५० लाख सदस्यहरु जुनियर र युवामा आवद्ध भइसकेका थिए ।
                    नेपालमा भने नेपाल रेडक्रस स्थापना भएको एक वर्षमै जुनियर र युवा स्तरमा रेडक्रसको विकास गर्न सके मात्र रेडक्रसले अझ बढि प्रभावकारी ढंगमा आफ्ना लक्षहरु पुरा गर्न सक्छ भन्ने कुरा महसुस गर्दै १९६५ मार्च ५ (२०२१ फागुन २२)का दिन स्थापना भएको हो । तसर्थ नेपाल रेडक्रसको अभिन्न अङ्गको रुपमा रहेको जुनियर/युवा रेडक्रस सर्कलमा बालबालिका तथा युवावर्गलाई आवद्ध गराई कार्यक्रमहरुको माध्यमबाट मानवीय सेवालाई प्रभावकारी बनाउन उनीहरुको व्यवस्थापकीय क्षमता अभिवृद्धिका साथै स्वयम् पनि लाभान्वित् हुनसक्ने गरी स्वयम्सेवी कार्यकर्ताको रुपमा विकास तथा सेवामा परिचालन गराउनु जुनियर/युवा रेडक्रस सर्कलहरुको मुख्य लक्ष्य हो । त्यही लक्ष्य अनुरुप अघिल्लो वर्षको अन्त्य सम्मा ४८२ युवा सर्कलहरु र ४००६ जुनियर सर्कलहरु गरेर जम्मा ८,४६,१५६ जना बालबालिका र युवाहरु रेडक्रसमा आवद्ध भईसकेका छन् ।
                   “म सेवा गर्छु” भन्ने मुल मन्त्र लिएर रेडक्रसका मुलभुत सिद्धान्तको अधिनमा रही मानव जतिको सेवाहुने कुनै पनि प्रकारका कार्यक्रमलाई नेपाल जुनियर/युवा रेडक्रसको कार्यक्षेत्रको स्पमा लिन सन्छि । युवा रेडक्रसको विशेषतः छ वटा कार्यक्षेत्र छन् ।
१. जिवन रक्षा र स्वास्थ्यको सुरक्षा
२. सेवा र ऐक्यवद्घता
३.  राष्ट्रिय। अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मित्रता, समझदारी र शान्तिका लागि शिक्षा
४. अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मानवीय कानुन, मानवीय मुल्यको प्रबद्र्घन र रेडक्रस सिद्घान्तको प्रचार प्रसार
५. प्रकोप व्यवस्थापन
६. क्षमता अभिवृद्घि र संगठन बिकास
नेपालमा जुनियर युवा रेडक्रसको संगठनात्मक स्वरुप यस प्रकारको छ:

                        यसै स्वरुप अन्तर्गत समुदायमा आधारित युवा रेडक्रस सर्कलका रुपमा बालकोट युवा सर्कलको स्थापना २०६० सालमा गठन र यस सर्कलका संस्थापक अध्यक्ष श्री उमेश सिलवालको अध्यक्षतामा ११ सदस्यीय कार्यसमिति चयन बालकोटका ९वटै वडाहरुबाट १०/१० जना युवाहरु गरी जम्मा ९० जनाको भेला गरी गरिएको थियो । तत्कालीन समयमा यस युवा सर्कल अन्तर्गत हरेक वडामा १०/१० जना युवाहरुको Youth Action Group -YAG_ रहेको थियो र यसरी युवा रेडक्रसका गतिविधि तीव्र रुपले बालकोट गा.वि.स.का ९ वटै वडामा फैलिएको थियो । स्थापनाका अघिल्ला ४ वर्ष सम्म सोहि कार्यसमितिबाट विभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरु गरियो । विभिन्न प्रशिक्षणहरु, अभिमुखिकरण कार्यक्रमहरु,वनभोज कार्यक्रम, विभिन्न समयमा खेलकुद प्रतियोगिताहरु र एक पटक सर्कलको आर्थिक स्थिती सुधार गर्नको लागि चिठ्ठा कार्यक्रमको आयोजना पनि गरिएको थियो । बालकोट उपशाखाको अभिन्न अंगको रुपमा रहि यस युवा सर्कलले सदैव बालकोट उपशाखालाई सघाउँदै आएको छ । यस सर्कलको एक छुटाउनै नहुने काम भनेको हरेक महिनामा निकाल्ने गरेको मासिक भित्ते पत्रिका “युवा आवाज हो” ।
                      यसरी युवा आवाज नामक मासिक भित्ते पत्रिका मार्फत युवाहरुको लेख, रचना र कार्यक्रमका बारेमा अनि बेला बेलामा फैलिने गरेका माहामारी र हुने गरेका प्रकोपका बारेमा जनचेतना जगाउने कार्य गरिरहेको छ । बिचमा एक वर्ष केहि युवाहरु बिचमा केहि मनमुटाव आई झण्डै निष्कृय अवस्थामा पुग्न लागेको यस युवा सर्कललाई फेरी नयाँ सोच र नयाँ उमंगका साथमा सक्रिय तुल्याई २०६५ सालमा विभिन्न वडाहरुबाट ५० जना युवाको भेला गराइ श्री कृष्ण मुरारी पौडेल ज्युको अध्यक्षतामा नयाँ कार्यसमिति गठन गरि युवालाई नयाँ ढँगबाट परिचालन गरियो । यस अन्र्गत विभिन्न १६ जना युवाहरुको एक “चेतना”समुह गठन गरि त्यस समुहलाई सडक नाटक प्रशिक्षण दिई विभिन्न ठाउँमा सडक नाटक पनि प्रदर्शन गरियो । यस्ता सडक नाटकहरुमा विशेष गरि बालकोटमा हुने गरेको लैङ्गिक तथा जतिय विभेद, सरसफाई, विभिन्न समयमा प्रकोपका रुपमा फैलिने गरेका माहामारी र विभिन्न रोगहरुका विषयहरु समाविष्ट गरि बालकोटवासीमा जनचेतना जगाउने कार्य गरिदै आएको र यसको निरन्तरता हालसम्म पनि रहेकै छ ।
                           यसै युवा सर्कलका सचिव, म सन् २००९/२०१० को युवा कार्यक्रममा नेपाल भरिबाट छनौटमा परि १० महिना नर्वेमा रेडक्रस युवाको संगठनात्मक विकासका लागि कार्य गरि हालसालै स्वदेश फर्किएर भक्तपुर जिल्ला र सिन्धुपाल्चोक जिल्लामा युवा संगठन बिस्तार र युवा परिचालनका निमित्त स्वयम्सेवी रुपमा कार्य गर्दैछु । यो पनि यस युवा सर्कलको सक्रियता र सफलकामका कारण सम्भव भएको हो भन्ने म ठान्दछु ।
यसरी बालकोट उपशाखालाई र समस्त रेडक्रस अभियानलाई नै अघि बढाउन, मानवीय मुल्य, मान्यताको र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मानवीय कानुनको प्रचार प्रसार गर्न र संकटमा परेकालाई सहयोग पु¥याउन यस युवा सर्कल सदैव तत्पर रहँदैआएको छ र आगामी दिनहरुमा पनि रहने छ ।
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Answers to the questions asked in "Red Cross Smarika" Bulletene

Questions and Answers about Rules of war:
1. Is it allowed to blow up a weapon factory?
Anwer: Yes. A weapon factory is a military goal.

2. Is it allowed to blow up a school when it’s closed?
Answer: No. A school is a protected building. It can lose its protection if it’s used for military purpose, for example: if soldiers are hiding there.

3. Is it allowed to attack your enemy from behind?
Answer: Yes. It’s just being tactical and that’s allowed.

4. Is it allowed to attack a military goal if you know that civilians will die?
Answer: Yes. You have to consider the principle of proportionality. This will say that the military gain has to be bigger than the loss of civilians.

5. Is it allowed to shoot a soldier that is eating breakfast?
Answer: Yes. A soldier is a soldier as long as he has his uniform on and is under military command. Even though if he is sleeping, eating or is on the toilet he is a soldier.

6. Does a soldier always have to follow the order of his boss?
Answer: No. A soldier has the duty to refuse to obey an illegal given order. Every soldier has to know the rules, if not he could be punished.

7. Is it allowed to kill prisoners of war if the enemy does the same?
Answer: No. Prisoners of war is protected even though what happen. The enemy can be prosecuted if he shoots prisoners of war.

8. Is it allowed to give medical help only to wounded of your own forces?
Answer: No. Wounded from both sides should just be treated from their medical need.
9. Is it allowed to shoot a soldier that is fleeing?
Answer: Yes. A soldier that is fleeing is a legal target. If he wants to surrender, he has to show this clearly by throwing his gun and have his hands in the air.
10. Is it allowed to bomb a nuclear- power station?
Answer: No. This can release dangerous powers.

Questions about Human Trafficking

1. Girls who reach to Bombay to work as a prostitute is responsible for their own situation.
Yes/No (Discussion Question-depends)

2. The transfer of David Beckham to the Los Angeles Galaxy is an example of human trafficking.
Yes/No.(No. He is paid for his work and he has got controll overhimself)

3. If you are originally from a poor country, it is wise to go out and work illegally.
Yes/No.(Discussion Question-depends)

4. If you are lonely, it is ok to buy sex.
Yes/No.(Discussion Questions-depends)

5. It is okay if children are beggars voluntary
Yes/No..(Discussion Questions-depends)
6. Trafficking of women is worse than the trafficking of men.
Yes /No..(Discussion Questions-depends)

7. To buy sex is human trafficking.
Yes No..(Discussion Questions-depends)

8. Your children will die if you do not find him / her a new kidney. It is OK to buy organ illegally.
Yes No..(Discussion Questions-depends)

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Human Trafficking - A Real Story

 A Cover page of book SOLD
I was reading an old newspaper today which was lying in my room for about a week. There I found a review of a nepali version of a book  "Sold" written by Patricia McCormick. The book is about Lakshmi.

Lakshmi is a thirteen-year-old girl who lives with her family in a small hut in the mountains of Nepal. Her family is desperately poor, but her life is full of simple pleasures, like raising her black-and-white speckled goat, and having her mother brush her hair by the light of an oil this poverty as well she has clean eyes to see the beautiful dreams. She has a dream to marry to her neighbour Krishna and give birth to his children. But when the harsh Himalayan monsoons wash away all that remains of the family’s crops, Lakshmi’s stepfather says she must leave home and take a job to support her family.
He introduces her to a glamorous stranger who tells her she will find her a job as a maid working for a wealthy woman in the city.She convince her by saying that "the girls of city wear very beautiful dress and bright jwelries. They eat orange and mango daily". She bought Lakshmi only on $10 and bring to city where she sold her to a broker with small profit. Unknowing to all these transactions Lakshmi goes happily with that boy. While crossing border he told her, "From today I'm your Uncle but if police ask you, you must say I am your husband." Then with many tricks he reaches bombay and then they fix the rate of the new girl in fornt of her. Mumtaz an owner of brothel says,"How much?" He answered, "IRs 15000 ($318)."

Mumtaz rules the brothel with cruelty and cunning. She tells Lakshmi that she is trapped there until she can pay off her family’s debt, she beat her with hunters until she agrees to sleep with customers, she kept her inside room for many days without food and also give threaten of her life. One day when Lakshmi refuses to sleep with an old customer, she catches her hair and drags her to the room to throw her on the bed where  the old customer was waiting her to come. Then Lakshmi explains to writer, " The old man press me with the effort of 10 men and climbs on me. Then he kisses me with the mouth of bad onion type of smell." From that day she was forced to sleep with any type of men.

Cover page of translated version of book SOLD
Lakshmi’s life becomes a nightmare from which she cannot escape. Still, she lives by her mother’s words – “Simply to endure is to triumph” – and gradually, she forms friendships with the other girls that enable her to survive in this terrifying new world. Then the day comes when she must make a decision – will she risk everything for a chance to reclaim her life?

The article says that the book creates hatred to the sellers as well as it is successful to generate kindness and sympathy to those who are being sold. So, in my opinion as well, it is an excellent book which tells the story of a sold girl. I am going to find the book in stores and read it, what about you?
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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Right a way in action

After returning back from Norway i was having a vaccation for 2 weeks before my follow up work and still don't know about the follow up work, where, how and what am I going to do as my follow up work. It is the meeting which decide where i should work and if the district is finalised then I have to work according to the neccessity of the district so i could not plan for my follow up work. That is why i was completely at home resting and visiting my relatives. But yesterday dated 9th July after i had dinner a phone call which told me that i have to be ready to go out that late hour of the day and the destination was a hospital. There i had to give blood to the person who is in need of it fresh. Before me there were 12 other person who had already given him a blood for his open heart surgery but since he needed more so they had called me since my blood group O+ve matches with him. So 12:00am this night i was giving blood. This morning i heard he is a little out of danger, which make me feel satisfied.

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Appartment

 Just before 13 days to leave Arendal, we had to shift our house. It is not because we did not liked the apartment we were living for 9 months but it is due to the contract of apartment owner and Red Cross has been over from 31st May and the owner wants his apartment back for him. So, unwillingly we had to leave our apartment of Munkegaten and shift to the new apartment at Hisøy Kokkeplassen. We were quite not ready to change the house only for that days of our stay which would increase our work because we had to pack all the things before finally packing it to take it back home. The new home as better landscape. By the side of ocean and the small man made beach is the main point of attraction along with more green environment. I think it is more close to nature than our previous house of city center and by the side of road. After 3 days we also had got our bicycle which will cut short our time to wait bus as well.

All in all a change but even if unwillingly change has come out to be better. Better but just 10 days left. wooooo.
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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Be a box carrier for Red Cross

 Here is a short video appealing a Red Cross Volunteer to be a Red Box carrier in May 8 'Red Cross Day' with the theme of 'Here and There'. This collection this time is totally for Red Cross and its activities Here in Norway and There in the world where Red Cross Help is Needed. So, we appeal all the youth and adult volunteers of the Red Cross to collect for the Red Cross.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

African Safari in Norway

 Today I, my co-delegate Durga along with our contact person and head of Aust-Agder District Office Kari Thorson and one volunteer Trine went for a African Safari. Must be amazed by reading this how come i get to Africa. Yes that's true i went to see the African Animals but in the park called Dyre Parken here in Kristiansand. There we saw Lions, Zebra, African wild dogs, tigers, orangutan,  and many more.. It was really interesting visit and saw more animals, some of them for the first time like, Norwegian wolves, Moss, and of course zebra and lion. We were quite unlucky that we could not see the giraffe this time. At the end of the day all of were tired but much more satisfied with the trip so that tiredness and hunger was not in our mind untill we saw delicious pasta in Trine's house. I don't want to write to much just go and check out the pictures we got with that visit.
Lions a closer view

Zebra for the first time

Lion Monkey

Mustach monkey

Wild Cat

Nordic Wolves

Moss (Without horn)

Nothing can be crazier

On the way back

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Red Cross Youth Introductory Course in Hovdan

 On 27th February 2010 at 10 am we gathered in front of Red Cross house here in Aust Agder. Having everything (foods, skies, Clothes etc.) ready we were waiting for the bus. We were 12 youths altogether and all were very excited about the trip. 'Are you excited?' I asked to one of the participants. 'Yes of course, but I am a little bit scared about skiing because I have never done before,' he replied. 'That will be great experience. We had skied before but are not perfect', I told. In fact only two of us were perfect and all other were new in that thing. We need not have to worry about.

The bus arrived at 10:30 and we loaded all those things in the bus and started journey. It was a long journey about 3 and half hour.
We reached at Hovdan at 2 p.m. Heated up the frozed pizza and ate. 

After that we went out for site seeing and had great fun in the sculptures made out of snow. We spent about two hour and returned back. After we had dinner, We short introduction round with imaginary football dribbling we watched movie called "Hotel Rwanda". It was nice movie.

The next day after breakfast we had an introductory course about Red Cross, It's history and about the principles.
We also had puzzle game of sexual health and demonstration of how to use condom correctly after wards. We also played transmission game there to show how easily the STDs can transmit from one another and how can only condom can save you.

That day after lunch we went out skiing. They were falling many times and still trying. Even i fell down twice during downward skiing. One of us was counting his own number of fall and it reached to 20 and even more. Any way it was fun.

After dinner we sat round again and listen to the stories form different nation because that time we noticed that we were altogether from 10 different nations and speaking 21 different language and all most all bigger religions. The stories tell their journey to Norway and they were unimaginable and touching.

The third day we started with the Human trafficking presentation right after breakfast. And also role play thing to make them understand how big is the problem and how it is effecting the society.

After lunch we went to the Swimming pool and had lots and lots of fun. It was my first ever entry to Swimming pool in my whole life and don't know how to swimm. I think me and Durga were only two who could not swim. We had very great time in hot massaging water pond and the sliding water. We also had steam bath and went outside in that snowy weather in swim suite.We were so tired that day no one was awake for the social evening we were supposed to have. But still we listened to Arabic music and some Nepali music.

The next day was about 'Rules of War'. We had our presentation and discuss about the rules to be followed at war. Ahmed from Iraq was quite clever in that and was telling his story about the iraq war which was also working as an incidence for us.We were supposed to play RAW-WAR game but since after lunch we had to be in the down hill ski spot which was quite far from there we had to cut our things sort and headed towards the spot after lunch.

There we had fixed one teacher to teach us down hill ski. He was so good that at the end we were easily going down hill and turning ourselves as we like and jumping without the sticks.

The final day, we were in hurry and washed out the rooms and fixed all the things of Pomelo building and started our journey at 10:00 am.

All in all it was learning as well as fun tour to all.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Menneskehandelskaffe - En Kopp for Frihet!

 Human Trafficking coffee- one cup for freedom

Description of the campaign:
The campaign is about Human trafficking. The campaign goes like this; We are trying to involve cafes to sell the same coffee in the name of “human trafficking coffee” but with 2 kroner extra because we are going to collect that 2 kroner in boxes. We are making it some sorts of competition between the cafes to encourage them to collect as many kroner as they can. So the highest collecting café will get some sort of prize and diplomas. We are also thinking of going into the news paper and local television which will give publicity to the campaign as well as to cafés.
Duration of Campaign:
Proposed: From 22nd  of February to 22nd  of March (1 month).
The main objectives of the campaign are:
•    To Create Awareness among the people of Aust Agder that human trafficking really exists in the world.
•    To make them feel like they have done something for stopping it.
•    To collect some funds that are going to be utilized in the projects that has been run by Norwegian Red Cross Youth to stop human trafficking in the countries like Nepal, Serbia and Croatia.
Utilizations of money we get:
We are going to give that money to the Central Red Cross Youth Office and they are going to send it to National Red Cross Societies of Nepal, Croatia and Serbia.
Since Poverty and illiteracy is the major factor governing the human trafficking. So, for educating part most of them are utilizing it for preventive majors, they are having workshops for youths, telling about human trafficking, each work shop cost around 100 euro. They are also having youth to youth education. They also have centers for victims of human trafficking, a place they can stay when they get out and are saved.
For raising economic status they are conducting micro financing system where they are giving out small sum of money for one family in a village to buy goat(One goat cost approx. Kr 200)  from which they can earn money and give the dividend to the other family so that the fund is rotating among the families in the village. So same 200 kr in the years can be utilized by many families.
In Nepal project has been launched in 6 district: Palpa, Lamjung, Myagdi, Dhading, Makawanpur and Sarlahi. Previously the Dhading district was the place from where higher numbers of the girls and child have been trafficked but after launch of project not even a single case has been reported of trafficking yet. This is about just the one district of Nepal but there are still many young girls from other many districts who are really in need of help.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A weekend with Asylum seekers

This friday dated 29th January, I along with my co-delegate Durga went to Kiland Senteret. The program was organised by the Grimstad Red Cross Youth and we were invited there. The program was with asylum seekers. There were altogether 36 youths. It was very nice to be there. It was our first experience with the asylum seekers. That is also one of the reason that we were excited to be with them. All of them were youths and very active doing much more fun. 

In between the activities, they, without any hesitation, started to dance among themselves. They were happy to be there. So, I feel like, taking them out of asylum center and make them enjoy within themselves with certain activities like skating, skiing, and other lots of fun is one of the good aspect of Red Cross Youth. 

It was also a good experience for us because we had a three hours course of Human Trafficking with them on Saturday noon. It became interesting also because some of them are not good in English and some of them are not in Norwegian so we had to put translators both in Norwegian and Dari language because most of them speak Dari language. Any way we had managed to show them a picture of overall condition of Human trafficking in the world and also make them feel with some role plays and discussion sessions.

We along with having fun also had some Active choice course before dinner on Friday Grimstad Red Cross Youth put on their effort to make them understand all the thing that they were telling there. They also showed how to use condom properly there and make them practice in dildoes. 


They had a social dinner by the side of fireplace with roasting pølse. Since we were vegeterian, we had to prepare spagetti ourselves. Then after we had some social games like cards but some of them were dancing very happily in the arabian music.

We had outdoor activities in the snow, some of them had brought ski stuffs with them and some of them had brought skating shoes, They were exchanging things and trying both skating as well as skiing and also there are others who are having fun in the snow by throwing snow balls or burying people in snow.

I also tried skiing (Cross Country) in the lake. It was great fun. We returned back at 17:00 on Saturday.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Inspirational Activity

This Video is the inspirational work done by Tvedestrand Red Cross Youth Group for collecting money for the victims of Haiti. During short period of time they had managed to organise such a huge fundraising activities that collected about 90,000 Kroner. So, i would like to paste it here as an inspirational act of the Red Cross Youth.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Red Cross Youth Aust Agder- Fully Charged for collection

Since the disastrous earth quake hit in  Haiti, Aust Agder Red Cross and it's youth are noticed to be most active  and are collecting money for helping victims.

As a first activity on 15th January Tvedestrand Red Cross Youth had organised door to door activity to collect money on those red boxes of Red Cross. The program started from 11:00 and had a stand on the shopping center Grisen Storsenter of the Tvedestrand. And from 17:00 about we along with 35 Red Cross youth voluteers gathered in the bus station of Tvedestrand and with the map in hand were distributed throughout the city to knock on door to door of the houses. They manage to collect altogether 70,000 Kroner that day.

 In the same way Arendal Red Cross along with Helpekorpset and some youths were distributed all over the Arendal City on Saturday 16th january and managed to collect about 65,000 Kroner.
Gard (an insurance company working for the insurance of ships) gave 250,000 Kroner.
Lillesand Red Cross collected about 99,300 Kroner.
Hisøy Red Cross collected 55,000 Kroner
Tromøy Red Cross 551,793 Kroner where as  Bygland kommune contributed 10,000 Kroner.
uptill now Aust Agder Red Cross had collected about 652,332 Kroner which amounts to be the largest in any district Red Cross. But this is not the end. They are still collecting money because it is the time to show solidarity and it is the time to help humans so Aust Agder Red Cross is dedicated to help with as much possible means as it can.

Along with the collection activity, 'flame rally' was also organised as one of the fundraising activity in Tvedestrand by Tvedestrand Red Cross Youth group and students of Tvedestrand Videragåande Skole. Read more about it in my co-delegates site. Click here...

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Red Cross- A sign of hope for Haitians

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Har du lyst til å helpe til ofrene på Haiti

Most of you have known the conditions of life in Port-au-Prince of Haiti. If you want to help them to make their life a little easy for them. you can help them by donating how much you can....

Many Red Cross Volunteers are in Streets, knocking Door of houses, inside shopping complexes and asking everyone to help. I request you to donate some to help them. Your little help can save many lives there.

You also have known that Norwegian Red Cross had sent mobile hospital there the Red Cross Volunteers have started distributing Clean drinking water and the safety kits doing first aid to the victims there...

I would like to request all volunteers of Red Cross to share hand for collection and to all the people out there to help how much they can... No matter it is a single kroner. Because we know that oceans can be made out of drops. Your drop collects out to be ocean.
To support you can give money to the 
account 8200 06 08331, or call
Donor Phone 820 44001 (£ 200, -)

You can help by clicking the link below: