Saturday, March 20, 2010

African Safari in Norway

 Today I, my co-delegate Durga along with our contact person and head of Aust-Agder District Office Kari Thorson and one volunteer Trine went for a African Safari. Must be amazed by reading this how come i get to Africa. Yes that's true i went to see the African Animals but in the park called Dyre Parken here in Kristiansand. There we saw Lions, Zebra, African wild dogs, tigers, orangutan,  and many more.. It was really interesting visit and saw more animals, some of them for the first time like, Norwegian wolves, Moss, and of course zebra and lion. We were quite unlucky that we could not see the giraffe this time. At the end of the day all of were tired but much more satisfied with the trip so that tiredness and hunger was not in our mind untill we saw delicious pasta in Trine's house. I don't want to write to much just go and check out the pictures we got with that visit.
Lions a closer view

Zebra for the first time

Lion Monkey

Mustach monkey

Wild Cat

Nordic Wolves

Moss (Without horn)

Nothing can be crazier

On the way back

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  1. lovly yar so nice collection of wild animals it was awesome snaps yar...........well done keep it up
