Monday, October 24, 2011
Introduction of greatest festival-Tihar
Tihar is the second largest festival of Hindus in Nepal. The festival is celebrated from Trayodashi of Kartik Krishna to Katrik Shukla Dwitiya every year. The name Tihar means the festival of lights, where many candles are lit both inside and outside the houses to make it bright at night. The five-day festival is considered to be of great importance as it shows reverence to not just the humans and the Gods, but also to the animals like crow, cow and dog, who maintain an intense relationship with the humans.
The first day of the festival is called Kag Puja - Worship of Crows. The crows are worshipped by offerings of sweets and dishes on the roof of the houses. The cawing of the crows symbolises sadness and grief in the Hindu mythology, so the devotees offer the crows food to avert grief and deaths in their homes.
The second day is called "Kukur Puja" ("worship of the dogs").Dog, which is believed to be messenger of Lord Yamaraj, the god of death, is worshiped once a year on this day. People offer garlands, teeka and delicious food to the dogs, and acknowledge the cherished relationship between humans and the dogs.
On the morning of the third day is Gai Puja - the cow is sign of prosperity and wealth. The people in the olden times had been receiving many benefits from cow like its milk, dung even its urine was used for kind of purification. Thus on this day people showed their greatness to the cow by garlanding and feeding the cow with the best grass. In the evening Laxmi, the goddess of wealth is thanked for all the benefits that were bestowed on the families. at night the girls enjoy dancing and visiting all the houses of villages with many musical instrument playing a historical game called bhailini(vailini) for whole night. By this they collect money from all the houses and at last when th money become inlarge amount they share among them.This is the very good day for all girls.Bhailini is a historical game which has been followed by our ancestor.
Here are some matra we usually enchant during the Laxmi Puja 3rd day Tihar.
ॐ महादेव्यैच विद्महे
विष्णु पत्नेयैच धीमही
तन्नो लक्ष्मी प्रचोदयात्
"Om MahaDevyaicha Vidhmahe
Vishnu Patnyaicha Dheemahi
Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayaat"
“सर्वज्ञ सर्ववार्दय सर्वदुष्टभेद्क्री
सर्वदुखहरय देवी महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तुते ”
“Sarvagyay Sarvavarday Sarvadushtbhaydkree
Sarvadukhaharay Devi Mahalakshmi Namostute”
Meaning:you know everything, you grant favors to all, you are a terror to the evil and your art removes the misery of all. Oh propitious goddess, I bow down to you.
“सिद्धि बुद्धिप्रदाए देवी भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायीनी
मन्त्रमुर्तय सदा देवी महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तुते”
"Siddhi Buddhipraday Devi Bhuktimuktipradayeenee
Mantramurtay Sada Devi Mahalakshmi Namostute"
Meaning: you are the provider of success and intelligence. You are the benefactor of both worldly pleasure and freedom. The magical sound symbols-the Mantras, verily comprise their form with your grace. Propitious goddess, I bow down to you always.
“आदन्तरहिते देवी आध्शक्ति महेश्वरी
योगजय योगसंभुतय महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तुते”
“Aadhantarhitay Devi Aadhshakti Maheshwari
Yogajay Yogasambhutay Mahalakshmi Namostute”
Meaning:your art is without beginning and end. Your art is the primal power. Your art comes out of Yogic practice and your art is evident through Yoga. Promising Mother, I surrender to you.
“स्थुल्सुक्ष्मय महारोद्रय महाशक्ति महोद्रय
महापापहरय देवी महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तुते”
“Sthulsukshmay Maharodray Mahashakti Mahodray
Mahapaapharay Devi Mahalakshmi Namostute”
Meaning: your art in gross and subtle, is the most awful and powerful. Mother, you contain all things and you remove even the greatest sins. Auspicious Mother, I surrender to you.
“पद्नासंस्तीथे देवी परब्रह्मस्वरूपीनी
पर्मश्री जगन्मात्र महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तुते”
“Padnaasanstithay Devi Parbrahmaswaroopeenee
Parmashree Jaganmatra Mahalakshmi Namostute”
Meaning: you reside in the hearts of devotees and prove the art of the Supreme Brahman. You are mother of the universe with your supreme art. O Great Mother, I bow to you.
On the fourth day of Tihar, there are three different known pujas, depending on the people's specific cultural background. Most perform Goru Puja, or Worship of Oxen. People who follow Krishna perform Gobardhan Puja, which is worship towards Cowdung. Cowdung is seen as very useful in Nepal, as in the olden days it was used for everything from light at night (Methane) to polish for the mud floors of traditional houses. The Newar community on the night of this day do Maha Puja, or Worship of Self. Because this period is also the beginning of Nepal Sambat, or the new year of Nepalese especially commemorated by Newars, it ensures prosperity for the new year.
The third and fourth day of Tihar is especially famous for Deusi and Bhailo, light and fireworks. Deusi and Bhailo are the songs which have only been sung on those Tihar days. Social workers, young and children visit local homes to sing these songs, and in return the home owners give them money, fruit, rice and bread (Selroti, a special type of bread made by rice flour and sugar). The Deusi is mostly sung by the boys while the Bhailo is sung by the girls.
The fifth and last day of Tihar is Bhai Tika, a day where sisters put "tika" on forehead of brothers, to ensure long life, and thank them for the protection they give. When the sisters give the "Tika", the brothers give gifts or money as a return. A special garland is made for the brothers out of a flower that wilts after a couple of months, symbolizing the sister's prayer for her brother's long life.
In this way all the five days of Tihar are celebrated with lots of joys, eating sweets, having lights in houses, fireworks and playing cards.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
नेपाली बजेट-फुस्रा सपना
यस्तो मिठो कुरा गरिएको छ बजेटमा हेर्नुस्-
- नागढुङ्गा–नौबीसे र भिमफेदी–हेटौडा सुरुङ मार्ग निर्माण गर्ने कार्य यथाशीघ्र आरम्भ गरिनेछ ।
- काठमाडौंमा फ्लाई ओभरको निर्माण कार्य द्रुत गतिका साथ अगाडि बढाइनेछ ।
-काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा मेट्रो/मोनोरेल सेवा सञ्चालनका लागि सम्भाब्यता अध्ययन कार्य शुरु गरिनेछ।
- पूर्व पश्चिम तराई रेलमार्ग निर्माणको कार्यलाई अघि बढाइनेछ। नेपाल जयनगर—जनकपुर रेल्वे सेवालाई वर्दिवाससम्म विस्तार गरिनेछ। यसैगरी रानी—सिकियाही—विराटनगर रेल्वे सेवाको निर्माण कार्य शुरु गरिनेछ। नेपाल—भारत सीमा क्षेत्रमा पहिचान भएका अन्य रेलमार्गहरुको विस्तृत अध्ययन कार्यलाई तीब्रता दिइनेछ ।
-रानी—इटहरी—धरान, वीरगन्ज—पथलैया र बेलहिया—बुटवल सडकलाई ६ लेनमा विस्तार गर्न आगामी आर्थिक वर्षदेखि निर्माण शुरु गरिने
फुस्रा सपना हुन् कि, नभए के हुन् यी वाक्यांशहरु ?
के सपना बाढेकै हुन् त यिनीहरुले?
के सपनालाई पछ्याउने हामीले अब पनि?
अरु केहि सपनाहरु-
• “गाउँगाउँमा ब्रोडब्याण्ड, सबै शहरमा फोन अन डिमाण्ड”
• “राष्ट्रको समृद्धि—युवाको रोजगारी”
• जनताको रहर उज्यालो शहर
• “सबै गाउँ उज्यालो बनाउँ”
• “एक परिवार एक रोजगार”
यी भरतवाणी कहिलेसम्म पत्याउने हामीले?
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- नागढुङ्गा–नौबीसे र भिमफेदी–हेटौडा सुरुङ मार्ग निर्माण गर्ने कार्य यथाशीघ्र आरम्भ गरिनेछ ।
- काठमाडौंमा फ्लाई ओभरको निर्माण कार्य द्रुत गतिका साथ अगाडि बढाइनेछ ।
-काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा मेट्रो/मोनोरेल सेवा सञ्चालनका लागि सम्भाब्यता अध्ययन कार्य शुरु गरिनेछ।
- पूर्व पश्चिम तराई रेलमार्ग निर्माणको कार्यलाई अघि बढाइनेछ। नेपाल जयनगर—जनकपुर रेल्वे सेवालाई वर्दिवाससम्म विस्तार गरिनेछ। यसैगरी रानी—सिकियाही—विराटनगर रेल्वे सेवाको निर्माण कार्य शुरु गरिनेछ। नेपाल—भारत सीमा क्षेत्रमा पहिचान भएका अन्य रेलमार्गहरुको विस्तृत अध्ययन कार्यलाई तीब्रता दिइनेछ ।
-रानी—इटहरी—धरान, वीरगन्ज—पथलैया र बेलहिया—बुटवल सडकलाई ६ लेनमा विस्तार गर्न आगामी आर्थिक वर्षदेखि निर्माण शुरु गरिने
फुस्रा सपना हुन् कि, नभए के हुन् यी वाक्यांशहरु ?
के सपना बाढेकै हुन् त यिनीहरुले?
के सपनालाई पछ्याउने हामीले अब पनि?
अरु केहि सपनाहरु-
• “गाउँगाउँमा ब्रोडब्याण्ड, सबै शहरमा फोन अन डिमाण्ड”
• “राष्ट्रको समृद्धि—युवाको रोजगारी”
• जनताको रहर उज्यालो शहर
• “सबै गाउँ उज्यालो बनाउँ”
• “एक परिवार एक रोजगार”
यी भरतवाणी कहिलेसम्म पत्याउने हामीले?
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Monday, June 27, 2011
Departmental Picnic-2011
On June 24th departmental picnic had been organized by some of our friends in the chemistry department. This picnic was at Lake Carl Black Well and was for families and friends. I with my wife Durga participated in that picnic. The time to reach there was fixed at 1:00 pm. The day was bright sunny day. We were second group among the persons to reach there. First were Dr. Blum (Chairperson of the department) and Hameed. We got lift from Kedar Nepal and Balika in their newly bought Honda CRV. Department had booked 20 passes for the car inside the lake.
People started arriving at the venue only after 1:30 pm. We reached there had some snacks and BBQ. Being vegetarian I had veg burger. I was accompanied by one of my veg friend from India Mr. Devang Khambati. Dr. Blum had brought four Kayaks. We did kayaking in the lake. It was my first time to do kayaking. We also did swimming. As I don't know how to swim, I enjoyed playing in water.
We had lots of fun though some of the accident occurred with the kayak, Balika once got stocked in the waves and Charmaine had to swim to pull her off, Hameed's kayak overturned in the middle of the lake where he lost his glasses.
Later on they made Chicken drum sticks and we BBQed some vege stuffs like potatoes, corn, mushrooms, tomatoes and other. We left the lake very late in the evening.
One of the good aspect was that we came to know the friends and their families in the department. And there were most international students among them majority was Nepali students. The thing I couldn't understand is there were all international students except Beth and her friend and Dr. Blum himself. There are lots of American graduate students in our department but they did not participate. They might be busy or they might have their own reasons but as a new international student and new to US no one can know what thing is going into my mind. I have heard from back home that 'they' are among themselves and are not like us 'Asians' who are more social. I felt the same situation in Europe during my Norway stay and might repeat the same in US. Never know this is northern country and people from south are different. Never know.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011
International Food Market in OSU Stillwater
After about 1 and half month of my entry in US, here in Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, today I observed an International Food Market at Wes Watkins of OSU, Stillwater. Every foreign students of this university were gathered inside one big hall. Everyone was excited to show their own food with food they were eager to show their culture. The students, forgetting their pressure of homeworks, grades and exams, were happy to be be there and tried to make other taste the food they make which reflects the taste of their country.
Nepalese Student Association (NSA) has it's stall fixed on the right side of hall and on the table was decorated the taste of Nepal which consist of Rice, Chicken drum sticks with Nepali flavors, beans, tomato pickels. The table was also decorated with the little monuments and pictures as well as cultural and tradional items form Nepal. The monument of Gautam Buddha was one of item as well as the bell. The round metal vessel which produce the sound which helps in meditation was completely new to me as well. I pratise to produce sound from it. It feels like the sound is coming from the distant object even if you are producing it from the vessel. From that stall we are also able to sell the handicraft (wooden craft) window brought from Nepal. I was quite excited to sell the crafted window because it typically belong to my home town Bhaktapur.
Any way it was great fun to have such great events and represent Nepal in foreign land like US. Also it feels satisfaction when the people visiting stall actually taste the food and pass good complements of it. I am also looking forward to the cultural nights at OSU.
Here you can find some moments captured through my friends camera.
Here you can find some moments captured through my friends camera.
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Indian Stall. Photo: Assoumane Maiga |
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Iranian Stall Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Off campus Student Assiciation's Stall, Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Chinese Stall, Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Full Bright Scholars Association, Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Bangladeshi's Stall, Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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African Student Association's Stall, Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Vietnamese Student Association's Stall, Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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Nepalese Stall, Photo:Assoumane Maiga |
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राप्रपाको बाटो हिंड्दै छ एमाले
२०४८ सालको जनआन्दोलन पछि कांग्रेसको बहुमतीय सरकार विफल भई मध्यावदी चुनाब पछि कसैको बहुमत आउन नसक्दा तेस्रो ठुलो दल राप्रपाका विभिन्न व्यक्तिहरुलाई प्रधानमन्त्री बनाई कांग्रेस र एमालेले नचाई रहेका थिए । राप्रपाका प्रखर नेताहरु सुर्य बहादुर थापा र लोकेन्द्र बहादुर चन्दले निकै चोटी नेपाली जनता को शासन को डोर सम्हाले । राप्रपाको तेतिखेरको ढुलमुले प्रवृत्तिले गर्दा निकै पल्ट राप्रपा विभाजनमा परयो । त्यति खेर राप्रपाका नेताहरुले एकले अर्कालाई गाली गर्नुसम्म गरे र पछि जुट्दै फुट्दै रहिरहे । पछि राजाको सत्ताच्युत पछिको लोकतन्त्र बहाली भए पश्चात् राप्रपा देशका अरु नगन्य पार्टीहरुको दाँजोमा पुगेको सत्यतालाई नकार्न सकिंदैन । उक्त समयमा देशको ठुलो दलको रूपमा रहेको एमाले अहिले आएर तेस्रो दलमा सिमित भएको छ । अहिले उसले पनि पहिला राप्रपा हिंडेको बाटो पच्छ्याउन खोज्दैछ । झलनाथ खनालले आफ्नै नेत्रित्व बहुमतको सरकार ढालेर आफ्नै नेत्रित्वको अर्को सरकार गठन गरे फरक त्यतिमात्र हो पहिला कांग्रेस उसको सहयात्री थियो भने अहिले माओवादीको घोडा चढेको छ । यदि उसले अहिले पनि राप्रपा ले भोगेको पुरानो पाठ नसिक्ने हो भने उ पनि भविष्यका कुनै पन्नाहरुमा अहिलेको राप्रपा भन्दापनि नगन्य अवस्था को पार्टीमा परिणत हुने पक्का छ । त्यसैले झलनाथ को अहिलेको अवस्थामा प्रधानमन्त्री को कुर्सीमा रमाउनेमात्र होइनकी बरु सबैलाई समेटेर लाग्दै त्यही बहुमतको सरकार लाई पनि सहमतीको सरकारमा परिणत गरी सबैलाई समेटेर लान सकेमा मात्र देश अर्को दशक पछाडी धकेलिन र एमाले अर्को रा.प्र.पा हुन बाट जोगिन्छ नभए एमाले नेपाली राजनीतिक ईतिहासमा भिरबाट खस्न लगेको गोरुसरह हुनेछ ।
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