Since the disastrous earth quake hit in Haiti, Aust Agder Red Cross and it's youth are noticed to be most active and are collecting money for helping victims.

As a first activity on 15th January Tvedestrand Red Cross Youth had organised door to door activity to collect money on those red boxes of Red Cross. The program started from 11:00 and had a stand on the shopping center Grisen Storsenter of the Tvedestrand. And from 17:00 about we along with 35 Red Cross youth voluteers gathered in the bus station of Tvedestrand and with the map in hand were distributed throughout the city to knock on door to door of the houses. They manage to collect altogether 70,000 Kroner that day.

In the same way Arendal Red Cross along with Helpekorpset and some youths were distributed all over the Arendal City on Saturday 16th january and managed to collect about 65,000 Kroner.
Gard (an insurance company working for the insurance of ships) gave 250,000 Kroner.
Lillesand Red Cross collected about 99,300 Kroner.
Hisøy Red Cross collected 55,000 Kroner
Tromøy Red Cross 551,793 Kroner where as Bygland kommune contributed 10,000 Kroner.
uptill now Aust Agder Red Cross had collected about 652,332 Kroner which amounts to be the largest in any district Red Cross. But this is not the end. They are still collecting money because it is the time to show solidarity and it is the time to help humans so Aust Agder Red Cross is dedicated to help with as much possible means as it can.
Along with the collection activity, 'flame rally' was also organised as one of the fundraising activity in Tvedestrand by Tvedestrand Red Cross Youth group and students of Tvedestrand Videragåande Skole. Read more about it in my co-delegates site.
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